Restorative Circle for Multiracial People

A restorative space for multiracial people integrating the arts. 

Restorative Circle for Multiracial People

This circle offers a restorative approach to healing and justice. It is an affinity space for multiracial people inviting reflection, connection and deepened inquiry into the complexities, gifts, and joys of the multiracial experience. 

Welcoming all multiracial people who self-identify and/or are identified as ‘other’ in society in relationship to race and ethnicity. This creative container is for multiracial people who may also identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Every shade of skin color is welcome including ‘white presenting’ multi-heritage people.

*Please note, this space is not for people who identify explicitly as White (European descent). Thank you for your understanding. 

Though this affinity space is race focused, it also recognizes the intersection of other identities / social group memberships and the wisdom and beauty they offer.

A note about language – There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to how a person self describes their racial or ethnic identity, especially when it comes to being mixed. Bi-racial, multi-heritage, mixed race, multiracial, along with other descriptions may be used to describe one’s identity. For this event ‘multiracial’ is used. We recognize and honor the various ways someone may describe their racial identity as well as the complexity of how society may label or perceive a person.

A note about affinity spaceSpending time in affinity groups is valuable and sometimes even necessary to strengthen solidarity, deconstruct internalized oppression and privilege, and rest in shared understandings.  Read “Race-based Affinity Groups – Why do them?” for a more in depth explanation. 

What is a restorative circle and what you can expect:

Restorative circles are born out of indigenous societies around the world. Circles tap into our communal nature, and our desire to be in positive relationships with one another. In circles, no one is seen as dispensable and everyone is valued for their knowledge and unique gifts. 

Through inquiry, deep listening and connecting with our individual and collective experiences we will co create a supportive space to be present with what emerges. We will draw on interactive, engaging, self-reflective and even playful approaches to honor all the worlds we inhabit as mixed race people.

      • Connect through playful embodied approaches.
      • Share stories and experiences to build solidarity.
      • Honor cultural origins and reflect on their influences.
      • Reflect on struggles and joys of the multiracial experience.
      • Center wholeness and wellbeing for yourself and the collective.

Facilitated by Zhaleh Almaee (she/they)
A Playback Theatre practitioner since 2006 and Theatre of the Oppressed (T.O.) practitioner since 2010, Zhaleh is a multiracial mother of four, ritual theatre artist, social justice educator and cultural organizer of Iranian, Jewish and Irish decent. 



Sunday, April 24, 2022


1-3 pm PST / 4-6 pm EST



*Your ‘donation’ / fee for this event
supports the  Mandala Center
BIPOC Leadership Fund.



Fill out this registration form.
A Zoom link will then be emailed to you.

*There is a limit of 20 people for this event.